homeschool mom. First, most of the week was filled with thought of preparing for homeschool Prom.
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Welcome to my little spot on the internet :)
This is the week for the Ultimate Blog Party 2011 hosted by 5 minutes for Mom.
My name is Jenn. We are a So. California homeschooling family. You will notice that we have 4 children, but I am homeschooling 5. Our friend Teddy, age 11- homeschools with us.
Our children are Meg- age 15, Josie- age 14, Demi-Sky -age 11 and Amie - age 9. (no, these are not their real names) Sky is my husband and best friend. He is a building inspector, a woodworker, and an artist with construction-type things. He happens to rock the whole jeans and steel-toed boots look ;)
Emma is our 2 year old Labradoodle, and practically perfect in every way... I am so glad she is part of our family!
I am a wife, mother, homeschooler, blogger...I love to read, I would rather walk than run- and procrastination is the thorn in my side. I love Jane Austen, diet coke, ** all things carb, dark chocolate and Jars of Clay. Right now, homeschooling is my biggest hobby/interest/'s not just a job, it's a way of, something like that...
I blog about our family life, our homeschooling, books I read, my struggle to finally get organized... Our homeschooling is pretty eclectic in nature, I use a variety of materials and curriculum and I write about them/review them here.
Sit down and visit a while, there are tabs at the top you can click, and a subject cloud in the sidebar. You can read about ** why we homeschool, ** our faith, **my hair-brained miss-adventures,
** our trips.
We love living in Orange County, California- and yet, we long for a bit of land. This longing expresses itself in our mini-forays into urban home~steading. We currently have 4 hens. You can read about their love of treats here* and about a hen's view of a rock- on- day- here*
I struggle with myself sometimes about how much to share on the ole' blawg. Some stories involve other people.
I am unsure of how much to reveal, how would they feel if I expose their weaknesses? Would they laugh along with us- as I poke fun at them..or would they feel laughed at? is it fair?
My nemesis: the cat: Totally open season, I've decided.
In a nutshell, if you resisted clicking-we have this routine, the cat & I- of his relentless begging for food all evening>me intending to throw him out when I finally go to bed, and then> I go to turn out the lights and get detoured from putting the cat out, because he will certainly be found curled up in angelic, cozy pose. I relent, and do not toss him out.
exactly 40 minutes after my head hits my pillow, the cat will begin meowing for me to either let him out or to -yes...feed him [again].
Monday morning- at about 4 a.m. all of Orange County was awakened by crazy/heavy rain and thunder. Now, we don't get much weather here, so a thunder storm- beside being a novelty, is also a treat.
Sky and I, the dog, and 1 or 2 children rushed to our huge front living room window (I love this window, my favorite thing about my house) We opened the blinds to watch the huge storm,
There stood our cat, Oliver- pressed against the glass, trying not to get wet..with a terrified look on his face that seemed to say: "Let me in!!!!!"
He had done his meowing thing again, after I had gone to bed- and I escorted him out and then locked the dog door. Sky came up with that- it's very logical. And linear.
I let him in. After we all laughed at him.
Here is Oliver, on his cat tree, in front of the same big picture window.
Wet cats shouldn't meow loudly. er, he who meows last will weep wetly...
something like that.
Tuesday we headed out to the park after our studies were done. It was a beautiful day in So. Ca. The kids, Emma-the-wonder-labradoodle and I went to the park to enjoy the day, the playground, and to walk. We picked up Shamrock Shakes on the way.
Shamrock Shakes are a really good memory from my childhood. I love passing on this St. Patrick's day tradition to my kids.
Yum :)
I decided after this splurge, that maybe we should try making our own at home for St. Patrick's Day.
(doubled this to make enough for my crew) I put a banana in the first batch to make it healthy...but decided you could taste the banana too much. It was still good, but not the same Shamrock shake taste I was going for.
The taste verdict: Yum!
He: "I don't want to skateboard today, can't I go sit at the bookstore, read and get a hot chocolate instead?" Me: "no, skateboarding is p.e. and Teddy really looks forward to it, it would be boring by himself, you are his friend, you need to get out there." He: "did you bring us a snack?" [full accusation in tone, he knew I did not] He: "can we at least get donuts afterward?" He: "will you take us somewhere later?"
This whole scene left me thinking about his/my/our relationship with God. This week in our devotional reading we read Isaiah 40:1-3 "...make clear the way of Jehovah; make straight in the desert a highway for our God."