Hey bloggy-friends! I'm still here...problem is, I've taken such a long break from blogging, I'm not sure how to get back into it. A huge part of it has been the on-going saga with my grandparents, I felt/ feel like there is so much drama and negative-stuff, that I'm not sure how to share it without dumping it out and being, well, negative.
but, um here goes....I'll just jump back in. My grandmother is still living with us, in my front living room. We were hoping to use some of my grandparents' savings to build her a suite, but we weren't real sure if it was a wise move, so that was part of why we went through conservator court...so that the court would make big decisions like that, because frankly, we are a bit lost with how to manage what little they have. The court said no. So....grandmother is living in my front living room, which has french doors on one side, and the other side we can board up. Things can't stay that way, though, she really needs an attached bathroom. So, we will be moving her into our master bedroom. Our house is a 1950's house and the master is not really big...she will lose some space in the move, the front living room is pretty spacious. I think access to her own bathroom kind of trumps spaciousness, though. But only barely. I'm a bit sad about giving up my room. Sky and I will move into the front living room. I love, love, love the big picture window in that room, so I will look forward to that.
I am taking another child development type class, this is my third. I'm planning on getting a certificate for early childhood education so I can be a kindergarten aid or a preschool aid in a headstart-type program. I was also taking an Algebra class, but I had an epiphany last week that I really hate math and I didn't want to be there. I thought getting an associate's degree would be the smart thing to do, since I'm taking classes....but I really just want to learn to write better and explore art. Sky said from the beginning that I should just take classes that interest me, and I can see now that he was right. I was beginning to dread going to class, and for my first exam (which I got an A on) I had to spend a lot of time studying for, that I didn't feel I had. Amie and Demi have started back up with homeschooling, and then I have the grandparents' care stuff....and so on. My math class was two evenings a week, so now it is really nice to be home again for those two nights.
We've started back up, full-swing. I'll get a homeschool materials post up real soon. Demi and Amie are busy with a few Biola Star classes, we have our normal homeschool studies, and then art and music. Josie is back at the performing arts highschool for her 2nd and last year, she will be graduating this year. Meg is in her second year of college. She cares for horses in the morning -as a job, just got a part time job at Barnes & Nobles (Yay!) and graduated from the police explorers program this Summer. She is very busy, and I am so proud of how hard she is working and how responsible she has grown up to be. She's still not sure which direction she wants to go with as far as law enforcement, it changes...at first it was the horses, then FBI, now she's talking about forestry. Who knows, but I'm sure it will be exciting.
So, that's a sort of re-cap of what is happening around here. Oh, did I mention my grandmother has a dog? We now are a two-dog family. Sky is thrilled. (that was sarcasm) She's a sweet, small dog. The transition to having my grandmother and her dog here has really gone very smoothly, my grandmother is a gentle soul, and so is her dog. Grandfather is finally landed in a really nice private nursing home...for now. He got kicked out the first week, we got him new medication and took him back after a week back home. So far it's okay, but every time I get a call from that area code, my stomach clenches.
here's a teaser with the homeschool stuff.... Oak Meadow World History, Aleks Math, Memoria Press First From Latin, Minecraft..... (I'll just name drop, since most of you stop by for the homeschooling stuff....I cleaned out my homeschool closet, totally!! {shriek!!!!!} I've tried to clean it out each year for the past 4 years, it is finally done. (Sky had to help me, bless that man!)

Here's a hawk on a fountain I saw during a run (okay, mostly walk....) because,
hawk.....urban....city.....fountain = cool and unusual. I love my neighborhood.
How's life bloggy friends? I'm glad you stopped by :)