Everyday things
Today I am thankful for this everyday thing: the freedom of Choice in educating my children. Sometimes we Americans take our freedoms a little casually. In some places, such as Germany, parents are denied this choice. Some have even gone to jail trying to claim this parental right. Read more about that here, here on parent's test case with the Eu, article here at This old Schoolhouse mag. I am thankful I have the freedom to choose the form of education that would best serve the needs of my children and family. I am thankful my neighbor next door and my friend down the street have the freedom to choose the same or even a different form of education. I have many choices, from the public school down the street, to several christian private schools, to secular private schools, to several forms of charter school- including some that cater to the homeschool template, to educating them myself at home. What is very good and very right for our home might not work for my neighbors family with different dynamics and different needs. We homeschool our children, and I do think it is one of the best models of educating and discipleship of children. Yet I know that not everyone will homeschool in the same way that I do, or even choose to homeschool. I am thankful I live in a country that recogninzes these freedoms. Scoot over and enjoy these bloggers celebration of educating their children here (Mrs. Incrdible's blog-her first day of homeschool), Whole hearted education-Sally Clarkson who wrote "Educating the whole-hearted Child" a favorite book of mine, Jennifer in Az- a homeschool mom blogging about their adventures and even Antique mommy who blogged about sending her youngest off to school this year (and they say a picture is worth a thousand words...).
find more everyday blessings at Everyday mommy's blog...
blessings to you today,
p.s. sorry those of you at bloglines, I had alot of trouble with the links and had to keep editing...