consuming happening over here

"There's just too much consuming going on...!" a quote from Senator Byrd, high on my list of favorite, silly quotes..

anyways..the subject of my post will be: my homeschool curriculum lust for fall.
Can you believe we are in the midst of curriculum shopping season already??

here is a list of what I am considering, needing an ounce of courage to actually start ordering...


We have always used Abeka math, I have decided to order the K level Math U See for Amie and the next level up for Demi-Sky (or where-ever he tests out at). We need to finish up the older girl's Abeka math books this summer and then I will order Math U See for them also. I think. This is hard for me, switching.


I am looking at Growing with Grammar, which will be a new switch for us. I really like that starting with the 3rd grade level, it is designed for the student to read and complete the lesson on their own..I will be needed only for help and looking over the lesson to see if done correctly, and maybe for administering tests.

I will have 4 students this year, I need to delegate my time wisely..this has to be a plus for me. I also like that it seems more classically structured, I've been more warm/fuzzy grammar..which is creating some holes I am afraid. I will order this for Demi and Josie, and maybe for Meg- if after looking it over I find it would be good for her. Amie will be concentrating on phonics, which will be Abeka...'cuz it's what I know...


I am seriously looking at Classical Writing, this would be for my 2 oldest coming 5th grader needs some work with writing I think this program which teaches through imitation might really help her come up to speed. We are finishing up a writing sentences workbook right now, and I do not see much improvement.

I like the set-up with this program, it is set up to be used 4 days a week in two separate sessions. I think I can do that... I like that I can do as much or little, exercise-wise as is needed for each skill, and it teaches them to construct sentences, paragraphs and essays according to a classical model that builds on itself logically.

Handwriting- will continue on with Abeka handwriting, except for Meg, who gets to move on to copy work of bible passages and book excerpts.

History/Literature/vocabulary/Church History/world views/geography

ahh, the big one...
Going to make the jump to Tapestry of Grace.
I am drooling over this choice. I will let you know how I do, queen of all that is unstructured/unorganized and spontaneous.

*Why I am drawn to this choice, I can use it will all 4 different level students, it is designed with a classical rotation of history..we will get to use each year again in the next 4 year cycle. It is scheduled weekly..I crashed and burned with the daily Sonlight schedule. Includes so much more beyond history!


I haven't made up my mind completely..but I am thinking of using our Sonlight 3 Science I have from last year, that we didn't finish. I have it, have all the stuff..I should probably use it, I liked the worksheets, I think the kids will enjoy it.

They are also all signed up for a marine biology class through our charter school.

I am also hoping to stick in Latin and Greek root words in here somewhere with
English from the roots up..which I have had in my closet for a few years now...

yes, I've got some big plans...we will see how I do. I want to cover it all, but I am such an unstructured person. Will sheer determination help this year??
So much ordering to do!