the details, the details...

I mentioned here that I had a great first day back at homeschooling, really, the best 1st day back ever. Here is a look at our 1st day:

We started Tapestry of Grace curriculum for our history this year. This curriculum covers History and much more. I spent the weeks before our start date reading through the teaching notes and familiarizing myself with the set-up and ordering books we would need, placing books on hold at the library, etc. I also set up a loose weekly schedule, placing priority on the new studies we would be adding. I then made up daily schedules in word, plugging in our usual subjects around the new. Here is what my 1st day schedule looked like;

8:00 breakfast

9:00 school start (time in between was for getting dressed, devotions, tidying room)
group time - TOG Bible reading -Luke 24:13-35
vocabulary discussion
memory work -review of continents/oceans and memory Bible verse
we also discussed what we would be learning this term, History-wise

9:30 Demi-Sky & Amie math with mom (watched "Mathtacular " video since our Math-U-see hasn't arrived yet, and counted to 100 using hundred chart)
-Meg violin practice
-Josie piano practice

10:00 snack/break

10:15 math Meg
Josie scheduled spelling, but did History reading instead this day
Demi-Sky & Amie work with activity boxes- then mom read a short devotional

10:45 math with Josie
Meg scheduled to do spelling with Demi, but today she worked on math, then history reading
11:00 Amie phonics with mom and explode the code workbook
11:15 Demi phonics with mom

11:30 girls scheduled to work on Classical Writing, which hasn't arrived yet- worked out well, because the girls seemed to forget much math over the summer and their math work took an hour to complete. Looking over CW now that it has arrived, we are going to need an hour to work it so we will have to move it to after lunch now anyways...
-Demi and Amie watched video from library

12:00 leave for park day

2:15 home from park- scheduled quiet time for little ones and mom, but might move CW to this spot in future. Older girls had memory work/free reading or foreign language on computer

3:00 snack
3:15 Spelling with older girls - placement tests for Spelling power

the older girls had vocabulary cards assigned as homework for Monday nights, homework is a very new concept here in this house, it was the only way I could figure out how to keep park day...

Some of the history related reading assigned to the kids this week include;

Demi-Sky & Amie
*The Nile river
*Old testament days
*Vos Bible story book

*Usborne Internet-linked Encyclopedia of the ancient world (20 pages)
*A Place in the sun
*Ancient Egypt make it work
*What the Bible is all about for young explorers
*The Ancient Egyptians
*Science in Ancient Egypt
*The Golden goblet
*How the Bible came to us
*Streams of Civilization Vol. 1

all kids listened to *The cat of Bubastes on audio, and all kids read/were read-*Geography from A to Z.

Monday was a very busy, productive morning. It was a really good day, we accomplished much before going to park day. I am going to have to play around with the times for future weeks, some things needed less time, such as group time, some subjects might need more time, such as math and classical writing might have to be moved to a later time.

It's a work in progress, but having something down on paper really helped me to keep the day moving.