Cultural literacy-less and Happy April 1

We had two episodes recently that warmed my Classical Education Homeschool-ing -mom heart...(not)...

First, Amie (age 6) was at Costco with Dad and the whole crew (he takes them every few weeks to shop and then gets them pizza, they love it)- while at the table she suddenly points at a man and very loudly and excitedly begins shouting, "Look Dad, it's an Egyptian man!". Not content with this spectacle, she jumps up and runs over to the man, pointing and exclaiming over and over (as only Amie can when she thinks you haven't responded enthusiastically enough) "Look, it's an Egyptian man!!"

Side note, he was wearing a turban and Sky thought he was actually Indian...

We did study ancient Egypt pretty intensively at the beginning of the year...and I do have a few good Egyptian songs on my ipod...was it my fault??

I do know that I am glad I was not there.
And we had a talk with Amie about not pointing at people... And we talked with her about her assumption and about how if he was Egyptian, he already knew need to shout...

Next Up, Meg (age 12)- We had the Bible school boys over for dinner one night, and we were lucky to have 3 from South Africa here at the same time. Sky and I were enjoying a discussion on economics in So. Africa...when Meg whispered to Sky, "Do they still live in grass huts there?"
Sky paused and then said to her,.."Well, sweetie, let me ask that question in a different way, o.k.?" He asked them what the average height of the buildings in the city they are from. We went on to talk of construction standards, and then one of the boys said.."You know it's funny how many people think we live in grass huts!" Everyone laughed and Meg tried really hard to not look self conscious of thinking just that.

I guess a trip to the library for books on houses around the world is in order. We've checked out a few in the past, but from my faint memory...I am wondering if we will we find photos of grass/mud huts for Africa?? I'll report back...

And last, April 1st links...the folks at google have a sense of humor, it seems...

Custom time stamp your email -here-,
no more being late with Birthday greetings or deadlines

and then this one here...which I'm not going to try to explain, just click over to see

Happy April's fool, everyone!