Homeschool Week report-first try

There is a group of dedicated homeschool moms who participate in a
weekly Homeschool report on their blogs. (You can follow the link to Trivium Academy's blog and see a list there. I've always wanted to do it, but I am just not all that together- usually.

Here is my offering, a few days late- they seem to do theirs on Fridays. It has taken me a good chunk of time to this might be the first of reports few and far between. I have found some good curricula finds, and some good homeschool hints while visiting these reports- it's really a worthwhile thing, if you can find the time!

(this is the first part of 2, the second half showing the work of the older students can be found *here*)

Our Homeschool Week, Oct. 5-10

All Together: We covered week 11 in our Tapestry of Grace Curriculum Guide, which centered on Ancient China. I read aloud The Great Wall of China, You are in Ancient China,
Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China, You wouldn't want to work on the Great wall..,and
Fa Mulan: The Story of a Woman Warrior.
We did map-work from The Story of the World Vol. 1 Activity Guide and a coloring page of the Great Wall from the same guide. The younger 3 students (ages 6, 8 & 8) completed a literature worksheet from TOG for Yeh-Shen, and the older 2 students (ages 11 & 13) completed a TOG literature worksheet for Fa Mulan. We also rented a dvd: China Rises: Behind the Great Wall (disk #2) from Netflix. I have to say that this dvd was awesome! It was footage of the wall (which I wanted my students to see how enormous it was, to get a feel for the scale of it), interwoven with a really well done dramatization of the events that prompted the building of the wall, the politics behind it and the daily building of it.

For Science, we started week 1 of Noeo Science- Physics 2 course. I read to the kids from Mysteries and Marvels of Science and The Usborne Science Encylopedia- the subject is "energy". My youngest students drew a picture of a form of energy demonstrated (they drew: a bike, a match and coal) and then labeled it with the correct form of energy (potential, kinetic, ect.). Amie copied down the law of conservation of energy, Demi and Teddy wrote this and also the actual definition. Josie and Meg did all this plus wrote all the forms of energy and wrote a paragraph explaining the action and energy chain happening. Sky is scheduled to do 2 experiments with them next week.

*Greek/Latin root word study: we are using English from the roots up vol. 1. This week we reviewed the word 'Photos' from last week and added the word "graph".

The younger students (Amie-6, Demi-8 and Teddy-8)

Math (Math-U-See)

Amie (Alpha Level) concluded lesson 12 with a test and then began lesson 13 by viewing the lesson on dvd and completing 4 practice/review pages for that chapter.
Demi (Beta Level)concluded lesson 11 with a test and viewed chapter 12 and completed 4 practice/review pages.
Teddy (Beta Level) viewed lesson 11 and completed 3 pages for that chapter. He struggled with one concept and we had to use one lesson-day correcting a page and re-doing it.

All 3 did a few pages from Abeka Cursive writing book, and a few pages from Abeka's number writing tablet.

All 3 did several lessons from HeadSprout phonics, which is a program done online.

Teddy has a tutor who comes to work with him for 1 and 1/2hr. two of the days he is here, and also on Wednesdays at his house. On those 2 days I often lighten up on his work.

Here are some pics of some of the kid's work if you are curious.

The younger students' work