L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge-Summer WINNERS!

I said I'd pick TWO winners, so I will...but it is hard picking just two. I loved these summer entries, they all captured the feeling/warmth/tastes of summer! Here are the winners this week:

1) Lego Boy from Missionary Mama

I loved the perspective on this shot, how she got down on his level, and of course the subject, boy playing with his beloved legos- summery fun!

2) Lake Summer from Nuz News

The lake in the background, the sunglasses, the healthy, summery golden glow on her face- it all shouts "summer fun"! and it's so joyful. Self portraits are a difficult shot to get, this one works.

Thank you everyone for participating! I hope you can join up next week for the theme,
"our animal friends". Happy Summer :)