Help a girl out

A little housecleaning business here...

  • 1st-  today is the last day for voting over at Circle of Moms Top 25 SoCal Mom blogs, could you hop on over and click vote for this blog?  I'd love to be in the top 25!  (click over and scroll down a bit)


  • 2nd- could you let me know if any of you have clicked over here after googling something- and the link did not work?  I recently migrated over from blogger...and I am seeing on my sitemeter that some links get a 404 error message, but I don't know if this is only something on sitemeter or if visitors are getting these.  It's okay to tell me, I won't cry!...maybe...


  • 3rd -you can still enter to win a $175 visa gift card. All you have to do is leave a comment on the rafflecopter form, all the extra stuff is just extra, you don't have to do it.  Go on, it's easy to enter!