This morning was kind of full, Meg had a dentist appointment and then we went to lunch at the home of some old, dear friends. (we had a sweet time, this very large family has daughters who used to babysit for us)
After lunch, we went home and sat around the table to dive into our school work. (Except Josie, who has been sick. She worked on her Biola Star homework, but I let her off the hook for other work)
Amie and Demi did Math - because every day is Math day :D then handwriting and then worked in their spelling notebooks- writing half of their list words in complete sentences, and then a page in the spelling workbook. We did a grammar worksheet and then I read aloud two chapters from Don Quixote. (I have renewed it the maximum times from the library and was hoping to finish it, but not gonna happen...sigh) We discussed the story, I pointed out some literary facts about this classic. After, I read aloud from A History of US Vol. 2, about Jamestown and John Smith. Demi then used the book to complete a worksheet I made from the reading. -Amie did the worksheet a few days ago, I don't know why Demi didn't do it... ( I am forever a worksheet girl, I have realized it is just quicker to make my own...)
Meg worked on her Biola Star homework (British Lit, Chemistry and Economics) and then worked a bit on her week's work list I made up for her. She also practiced her violin.
Sky came home from work and did some woodworking in the garage, Amie and Demi worked on their creative writing stories, Josie read and slept. Meg studied. I parked myself in front of the fireplace and wasted time on the internet. We are having a cold-spell here in So. Ca, it was in the 50's today, which I cannot handle. (I know, I am a wimp) I whined to Sky about how cold I was and then sat in front of the fireplace till it was time to make dinner. (Demi-Sky did not have lacrosse practice today due to rain)
On the menu for dinner? Left-overs. Score!
After dinner, I made up a batch of my grown-up oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. {they are grown-up cookies because they have more oats, less sugar and double the cinnamon and nutmeg} Here is my recipe: Grownup Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
We then watched Groundhog day with the kids - we rented it. This was the first time the kids have watched it.
The kids went to bed and now I am sitting in front of the fire again, playing on the computer. Not a bad day in homeschool land...