Summertime learning- Magic Tree house passports & more...

I'm sharing today over at The Homeschool Village about sneaking some learning in during the Summer. Have you heard of the Magic Tree House Passport Program?  Check it out, and inspire your children to read!

So, bloggy friends, do you have a deep-seated need/compulsion to keep the learning happening even during the Summer? Or, do you give your kids and yourself a much needed break?  Or, do you do a light schedule with lots of down-time? 

I Spy {someone is always watching me} guest post

...For your consideration:  if you fudge on your child’s birth date so he can have a facebook page, are you chipping away at your own integrity in his eyes?  Does the end result (a fun facebook page) really justify the means (dishonesty)?  If you sneak snacks into the movie theater, even though a sign at the entrance says “no outside food or drink?” what are you teaching? Everyday, as parents, we are faced with these tiny, little choices.  These tiny little choices will add up to a weight of truthfulness and integrity.

Integrity for our boys will not start in college, when he decides whether or not to cite a reference for a term paper.  I’ve learned that integrity starts at home, with the little eyes that are always watching me.

I am writing today at The Mothers of Boys Society about integrity.  Click over to read the entire article.

I Spy {someone is always watching me} M.O.B. Society

The power of words- guest post at Moms of Boys Society

My boy stood in front of me as his father told me about our son’s testing for a new belt.  Waves of excitement were rolling off my son.  The story was told, my son’s great feats had been re-counted…but something more was needed.
My boy was waiting for something more...

Do you realize the power of your words?  I am writing today over at The Moms of Boys society, click over to read the rest.

The Power of Words- M.O.B. Society

Everyday is an adventure- over at M.O.B. Society today

 I held my son and was instantly smitten.  He was different from the start.  I watched a show once about boys and girls, I remember the point being made that if you dressed a baby in different clothes, you would not be able to tell which gender.  True, maybe if you do not have a baby, or it’s been years since you’ve held one; but my boy was instantly different.  I could see the difference in his hands, his forearms, his little sweet baby-boy head.  He was special, our bond was special, and I knew I was set on a road of new things...

I am writing today over at The Mothers of Boys Society, click over to read about how

Everyday is an adventure

A fresh start for your homeschool over at the M.O.B. Society

I love fresh starts, and I love being a homeschool mom- because I have two fresh starts every year.  Each Fall brings a new school year- new plans, new books.  But, each January also brings me the traditional fresh start/ new beginnings.  I’ve found that January is the perfect time to re-evaluate what we are doing in our homeschool; what is working, what is not, what I need to actually open and use…

 I am writing today about A Fresh Start for your Homeschool over at
the Mothers of Boys Society (M.O.B. Society)

-click on over to read the rest :)