
Did you know that Medieval Times has an educational program? I didn't either, until we were invited to attend a matinee show along with other schools.
Medieval Times has an educational area on their website here *Medieval Times Partners In Education where you can read about different aspects of Medieval life and printout pdfs for classroom use. Schools and homeschools can plan a Medieval Times field-trip to complement their study on the Medieval Ages.
The Matinee program consisted of time to view the torture museum, the horse stables and the gift shop before the show. We were then treated to a tournament show, interesting educational information on the role of women in the castle, the training of apprentices, the horses used in the show, and a yummy lunch.

I don't know if Josie or Demi-Sky loved the jousting more. Josie was definitely a fan of all the sword-play. She was of the opinion that a great plot-surprise would be a girl as disguised knight. I have to say that I agree.

We all know which parts were Meg's favorite, right? Answer: all the parts with horses in them :)
The show breeds and trains beautiful Andalusian horses. {sigh} I used to be a horse-crazy girl like Meg. These horses captivated me.
**Homeschool-Mom-Nerd-Moment*** raise your hand if you remember a book about this breed used in a Sonlight Core?
Bueller? Bueller?
These horses are just beautiful, and are trained in the art of dressage and dance.
Art in motion. No hyperbole.

Meg just stood, looked and inhaled. She has applied for a job as a stable-hand here, but didn't get the call. Could you imagine the scene in the house if she got the call? Seriously, she would have mucked out all the stalls for free that day, and missed the show even, just to stand in the stalls and inhale the horsey-scent. Yes, she is that horse-addled.
all in all, it was a great day! The show was fantastic, the educational parts went well with the story of the show, the food was great...and we got a chocolate chip cookie! A great day, indeed :)
*Disclosure: I was compensated by Medieval Times with entry to the show in order to do my review of the program. My opinions and experiences are entirely my own.