10 things about blogher11


San Diego, beautiful you! You flaunted your beautiful So Ca weather to all the bloggers visiting. Mahwa!!


Blogher11 -3,600 attended. It was amazing, being surrounded by so many woman, all different but passionate about blogging. I'm shy, but I had no problem approaching a table during a mealtime or for a session and introducing myself, meeting other bloggers and exchanging business cards.  Where else, I have to ask- will people keep asking you **what is the name of your blog? **what do you blog about? **Why did you start blogging? **what are you passionate about?

It was, really, a blogger's heaven.


The hotel: The Marriott and the venue: the San Diego convention center. Both really lovely.  Loved, loved, loved that there was a Starbucks both in my hotel (The Marriott) and at the convention center (very welcomed the morning I overslept and missed breakfast!)  The staff at the Marriott were just over-the-top helpful.  Any event in the hotel had plenty of signs pointing the way, and even staff every few feet to direct you. Just wow.  On the last day, the Marriott had a checked luggage area for those of us who checked out and didn't want to lug our luggage all over the convention center that day. <3


The parties:  the events sponsored by Blogher were fun, I enjoyed them.  This was my first Blogher, I didn't really know what to expect.  I was busy enough with the Blogher parties to not feel left-out of all the other off-site sponsored parties.  However, later after hearing about how many other parties there were and how nice/fun..and about all the swag...I kind of wondered about the sponsors and pr people missing the mark with the purpose of branding/PR and networking.  It seemed like the same bloggers were hitting all the parties, and most of them were young.  I kind of wondered why so many of the older than 20 crowd were left out- we tend to be the group with more buying power...



I met The Bloggess! Squee!  She hosted the people's party, and I made it a point to be there, I really wanted to meet her. I was a bit disappointed she didn't bring Beyoncé along for photo opps, but then again, dragging along a 5ft. chicken probably would have been a logistical nightmare. She was very gracious, warm and genuine.  I really liked her. Her many posts about spending major parts of conferences hiding in the bathroom really helped me not worry so much about my shyness. I think her honesty helped many shy women feel like we were all in this together, we could do it and we weren't the only freaks.


I had a blast, and will for sure go to blogher again when it hits the West Coast.  There were a few things I should have done to make it better, though.

  • I meant to make a list of bloggers I interact with frequently- a must meet list with twitter info so I could contact them and arrange meet-ups.  I did not do this, and while I did meet a few key people I really wanted to meet, there were so many that I didn't meet and later wished I had.  Next time I am making a list!
  • take more photos.  I left my SLR at home, since I took the train down and didn't want to be dragging a ton of stuff with me.  I only have a few shots on my iphone
  • take more photos with me and friends in them...actually take any with me in them.  I have a token couple.
  • figure out how to connect with PR people.  I was a bit at a loss and did not have a plan
  • plan to go to dinner with friends ahead of time- and tweet where we are going so other bloggers feeling lonely can join us.


I tried to have a good mix of session-going, socializing, expo-hall visiting and down-time, but I was a bit unsure how to do it all effectively.  Next time, I need to have a plan.  I left it up to chance, the whole meeting brands thing- and it didn't really happen.


The expo-hall/meeting with brands/swag thing was disappointment for me.  The expo-hall seemed to me, to be one big confusing area where vendors handed out free samples/coupons/signed you up for chances to win a giveaway...but I didn't see anyway to meaningfully connect with the brands. In most cases I left my business card and hoped for the best.  Free samples were not the reason I went to Blogher.


the high spots of my blogher experience were meeting and hanging out with The Farmer Files. She was my Blogher BFF for the conference and made the conference for me.  I also loved meeting and hanging with Katie from Swell Easy Living, finally meeting the divine Kit from Blogging Dangerously {squee!}, meeting & chatting with the Bitter Divorcee and attending the Pathfinder series with PW on the panel.  More on her later...


there was no diet coke to be had. Seriously.  I finally found a 3$ and some change bottle in the hotel gift shop. I had several women pounce on me at lunch when I pulled it out of my bag.  Pepsi, loved that you sponsored Blogher11- big kiss-kiss...it's just that some addictions are too ingrained to be overcome...

Help a girl out

A little housecleaning business here...

  • 1st-  today is the last day for voting over at Circle of Moms Top 25 SoCal Mom blogs, could you hop on over and click vote for this blog?  I'd love to be in the top 25!  (click over and scroll down a bit)


  • 2nd- could you let me know if any of you have clicked over here after googling something- and the link did not work?  I recently migrated over from blogger...and I am seeing on my sitemeter that some links get a 404 error message, but I don't know if this is only something on sitemeter or if visitors are getting these.  It's okay to tell me, I won't cry!...maybe...


  • 3rd -you can still enter to win a $175 visa gift card. All you have to do is leave a comment on the rafflecopter form, all the extra stuff is just extra, you don't have to do it.  Go on, it's easy to enter!

Vote for Pedro

Here's my shameless pitch.  Bloggy best-y friends, would you hop over to the Circle of Moms site and vote for my lil ol' blog for Top 25 So. Ca blogs?  Because, I have a blog...and I'm in So. Ca...and I'm a mom, and I'd love to be included with the best... it would almost be as good as chocolate. Okay, I lied, it would actually be better!

You can click the link here *Circle of Moms top 25 So. Ca Blogs  or you can click the little pink button on my sidebar.

While you are there, give my friend, Caffeinated OC Mommy a vote too!  Her blog is kind of new, and very large on spunk...click over, you'll have a good time!

You can vote once a day till August 11th!

awesomeness on the internet

Here's stuff I visit when I'm not here blogging..somehow surfing takes up less energy/brain power... :)

  • BlogHer is coming up, squee!  Anyone else going?  This will be my first year!  I am so excited, and kind of nervous.  For those of you attending- or for anyone planning on attending a blogging conference soon, Amy over at Delusional has a great blog series about BlogHer and branding yourself.  Click on over :)

{Number 10 on this list says it brilliantly, one of those "I wish I wrote that" moments...}

10. "...J.K. Rowling took an enormous risk, gambling the climax of her epic series on her ability to build up Snape’s ambiguity to a screaming point and then pull off an unspoiled reveal at the end. And what do we see when all is revealed? A vision of love so white-hot that it dazzles....

Conference for the casual blogger

I attended my very first blog conference Memorial Day weekend- and yes, I'm just now sitting down to blog about it..life's been a little hectic since I got back!

I chose The Casual Blogger Conference, since it seemed to be just the right size for this little blogger who doesn't swim with the big bloggers. Beside learning about blogging better, blogging platforms and SEO, there were also workshops on photography, niche blogging and sharing your faith in blogging. It was a small conference, with tickets limited to around 400 attendees.

The thought of a really big conference in a really big city, like blogher or bliss kind of scares me..but this, I figured, I could do. And I did!

Here is a pic snapped of me tweeting from the cbc10 flikr stream. I have to say, that I finally came to a firm handle on twitter and all it can do-all conference related.

I'm a little shy, the thought of going to a conference all by myself was a little scary. I was really looking forward to meeting Janae in real life, after connecting as blog-friends. We have a lot in common, we definitely connect on a kindred-spirit level; meeting her was a big highlight of the conference for me. Love ya, Janae!! :)

She has 6 daughters! I know, I don't believe it either!..look how young she is!

The opening meeting was given by Rustin from the blogfrog community. He was a great speaker, very personable. A few points from his talk that stayed with me:

  • find your niche first, then expand
  • do your homework -pass on the bad ideas and grab the good
  • partner-up
  • pivot-keep one foot on what you have learned, and when your original plan does not work out, use the other foot to change direction
  • sacrifice to get to the next level
  • don't get discouraged -there is no such thing as an overnight success.

It was very insightful listening to Rustin talk about how he started blogfrog. I've been part of the blogfrog community from pretty early on- though not at the very early beginning- but early enough to see it really grow in an explosive way. I really enjoyed hearing how he started it, the different ideas and failures he had, and how big it has gotten; their success is very inspiring.