new friends and old friends

me, Jennifer, OC mom

This is the story of how in one night, I got to spend time with one of my best friends- who moved away, MIRLed (meet in real life) with OC mom from An Orange County sitcom,(and her husband) and had great Indian food. Stuff movies of the week are made of, I know..but for this quiet homeschool mom, it was a great night.

This is the very first time I have MIRled someone I met through blogging, and it was really incredible the way it all transpired.

I was visiting a homeschool forum board I like to frequent, and I saw a post by OC mom saying she had just started a blog and inviting us to visit it. I visited because I saw "Orange County" in the title and liked the idea of having a blog seems like everyone on my bloglines list is from the south or midwest. So, I visited and commented because it is nice to encourage a new blogger..and through our chatting, and several emails, we realized that she knew my friend, Jennifer and had lost track of her 8 years ago. Adding to the incredible-ness of all this, my friend Jennifer was flying in for a business trip and would be staying at my house for a night. So...we arranged to all meet at Indian food. Because, my family and Jennifer's family love to eat together..and after reading *this* on OC mom's blog-I knew they were birds of a feather.

So, we MIRled..and had to get a picture for our blawgs. We uncovered the important stuff that builds a friendship...our love of the Lord, about our children,..met the husbands, stories about how me met our husbands, talked about homeschooling and discovered that we all dabble a little in scrapbooking. (o.k. , not the husbands). So, now we have to do what comes naturally to all homeschoolers...the park day...
I promise pictures.

and she was very nice and pretty, and her husband was smart and funny, and they are just really neat.