It's just about that time of year again

I just realized last night that I am supposed to start homeschooling a week from tomorrow.
Yikes! Confirming once again, that I am the Bridget Jones homeschool mom...

Regarding the sound advice I gave my friend Jill about using the CM Organizer for homeschool take a good 2 weeks before you start at least, and devote your spare time to inputing your, yeah- I should have done that. I hope someone found that advice beneficial, because I for sure wasn't listening....

So, I think I will get started on that task. I will be organized and efficient this year...

I do believe in fairies, I do, I do...there's no place like home, there's no place like home...

-did anyone hear the thud of a dying fairy hitting the ground?!

Someone wish upon a star for me, or send me some good juu-juu. (how do you spell juu-juu?)

If you have a chance, go over and visit Johanna, she posted about doing memory work with younger students and had very detailed instructions and photos...she obviously has her act together...Her blog is Stop and Smell the flowers, it's a lovely place. Her "breakfast board" ideas could be easily adapted to use with older students, too-I think.

Well, I'm off for some cheesecake, because only a Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake is going to ease my homeschool planning ennui.