walk, not run

and it only feels worse when i stay in one place, so i am always pacing or walking away

I walk for exercise almost everyday.  My route is about a mile and a half.  I go at a good pace, but I don't run.  I don't run, even though I ordered some cool running shoes a year ago. (they were on sale, I can't resist a good sale..)  Most days I set out, telling myself that today I will pick up the pace and run.  Running would probably burn more calories, which is really what I am after.  I walk a bit to warm up, and then I think about running..but I just don't want to.  I nix it and walk.

Part of me would like to start running and get all fit and maybe even run a 1/2 marathon or something worthy of a bucket list-thing.  And yet...I don't want to.  I don't like to run.  I don't like stuff bouncing and the feeling of not being able to breathe.  I used to run quite a bit in high school, but even then, I didn't really enjoy it.

I can't decide if I should push myself or not.  Remember my Irish dance class adventure? -go ahead and click over, I'll wait... Well, I did go back to the class for several more months.  Sky was just so impressed I was in it, and so encouraging of me doing a new thing, that I tried to stick it out.  I even competed at a feis.  Shudder.  Yeah, Irish dance mom on stage.  I try not to remember.

My point, well- at one point I just realized that I felt like Mr. Collins at the ball..."the other way, Mr. Collins!..." and I decided that I am to many years to have to put up with things that stress me out, or things that are more pain than enjoyment.  So I gave myself permission to quit.  I realized I am more yoga-mom than clogging mom.

So, is running in the same category?  Have I earned the right to decide I just would rather not?

How about you, what do you do for exercise?