Planet Jenn ~OC Fair edition

Goodness, I haven't done much blogging lately, but I've been busy doing a lot of living!  ...and just hanging...reading...whatnot....

oh the places I've gone and the things I've been doing when not here on the ole' blawg...

Who's the biggest loser now, Jenn??

The Home crew went to the Orange County Fair.  It's tradition!!

Sky entered a wood-working project for the very 1st time.  It was a console cabinet for the
flat screen t.v.  We were so excited to see if he won a ribbon.  And, he did!!

He won an honorable mention :)

Josie entered her wood burning project.  It's not the sun in the photo, but it is laying down next to her, looks like a log.  She won a blue ribbon! 


Here's a closer photo of her entry, back when she was working on it....

Dragons. She is an artist, even with wood!

The fair is a family tradition for us.  Sadly, we go mostly for the food.  And to look around at neat stuff...and to people-watch.

 I'm embarrassed for you all, Orange County...

This shocked me.  People were sitting in chairs having their teeth whitened.  Sitting there in the middle of this big exhibit room, with something propping their mouths open, for all the world to see. Has our society lost all sense of dignity??  I think the answer is yes.
Lucky for us, I had my iphone handy to catch all the scandal. 

We ate:  Greek Gyros.  Chicken strips. Fries.  Corn dogs. Beef steak sandwiches.  Funnel cake. Chocolate drizzled popcorn (which I'm pigging out on in the top photo...) I have to admit, no vegetables were consumed.  Usually we have the roasted corn, but we peetered out. I did have a chocolate frozen banana- I'm all about healthy eating...

So lovelies, what have you been up to this Summer??