7 Quick Takes Friday, Life of Fred edition



This is Oliver snoozing with Demi-Sky.  He actually likes to curl up with the girls in their loft, but because we had company for the Bible Conference, he was locked out of the girls' room.  He fussed quite a bit, and then reconciled himself to cozying-up  in Demi's room.


Demi Sky's room is in need of a make-over. Can you see the wall-paper border on the wall? It has these cute cartoon-y spiders.  Demi was fascinated by spiders when he was little, not usually something you would think to decorate a room with, but these spiders are cute and friendly looking. But* he is 12 now and needs a more grown-up look.  His room is next on my decorating to-do list.



I am going through The Life of Fred elementary series with the 3 youngest.  Life of Fred is a Math storybook series. Yes, a storybook.  I resisted the siren call of Fred for many moons...I am not a Math person, so the concept of a Math storybook just seems unappealing.  I've heard so many great things about it though, that I finally ordered one.  I have to admit, I love Fred now.


We started at the beginning, with Life of Fred -Apples.  So far the concepts are easy for the kids, but we are still enjoying it.  The other day, one of the questions after the story asked which day of the week did we think was the most difficult for most people to spell.  I had the kids give their own opinion.  Teddy voted for Thursday, Amie voted Wednesday, Demi thought Thursday was the most difficult.  The answer was Wednesday and also Saturday, for many people.  I really <3 this kind of learning. :)


Meg and Josie are working on a song from the movie Tangled - as a duet for an upcoming recital.  Josie is playing the piano part and Meg will be playing the violin.  It's a sweet song, I really enjoy listening to them play it together.


Sky was not home for dinner tonight, so I made meatloaf.  I make a mean meatloaf, but Sky does not have the culinary refinement to appreciate this delight.  (I use the Quaker oats recipe-the one with just tomato sauce, not ketchup)  Every once in a while, I really have a hankering for it.  I have to eat it with corn and rice (mixed together- the corn and rice, that is- not mixed with the meatloaf!) because that is how I would eat it when I was a kid.  It's funny, but certain things I have to eat with certain other things, like grilled cheese- it has to be eaten with fruit cocktail.  Tuna fish sandwiches have to be eaten with Fritos.

Do you have food traditions from your childhood?


Amie has been really into dog books lately.  She is currently reading through this Waggit series (Waggit's tale, Waggit forever) and others like it.  At the library the other day, I picked up this dog book - Sheep by Valerie Hobbs (it's about a sheepdog)  anyways, it was a bit of a higher reading level than the other books, so I decided I would read it out loud to her.  She saw it lying around, picked it up, and read it in one day.  Yay!  She has turned the corner and has become a book-devourer.  Only Demi is on the outside, looking in on this - he is only interested in comic books.  I keep hoping and trying to tempt his book appetite

...someday, I hope, he will join us all in our book love.

*7 Quick Takes Friday is hosted over at Conversion Diary, click over and join up!