days like these...

well, it's a new year- time to kick it up with new resolve, right?  Back to homeschool, back to eating healthy, time to get my house all clean after having lots of guests.... and....

I'm sick.

Fun times.  I spent Tuesday mostly in bed, and today either sleeping or going to the Dr.'s or getting ready to go to the Dr.'s.  Wednesday's are my "light" days, I'm really put-out that I spent it sleeping. :(

Well, around here, we are trying to get back to normal after having a boat-load of people here for our week-long Bible conference.


Sky bought me a new lens for my birthday.  It is a 35mm 2.0 lens, PW says it is her favorite, I asked for it on her recommend. (because I still don't really know what I am doing, photography-wise...this will be the year I really learn!)  I love my lens, it takes better photos in low-light, but I have to actually use my feet to zoom-in, my only other lens had some zoom to's hard to remember I have to actually move in!  I am hoping it has some wide-lens properties, but so far I haven't noticed.


I totally went off my low-wheat and no-dairy (ok mostly) diet and have suffered my just punishment.  I'm going to go back on the wagon with healthier eating tomorrow.  I am thinking that some of the paleo diet books and websites might have some yummy ideas that would be I am starting to browse around. Not that I am going to go totally that route, but it has possibilities to widen my food choices. Anybody have some favorite gluten-free or Paleo diet websites/blogs?  Do share~

I Just found this one on pinterest, looks like it will be useful:  Everyday Paleo recipes for life.

Margarete is a blogger I am friendly with, and she has been sharing some of her tried and true gluten-free and diary-free recipes on her blog.  I haven't tried them yet, but I plan on it.  It's nice to find recipes others have already experimented with and refined...

True Blessings Homeschool gluten-free and diary-free recipes 

Here are a few other goodies I have pinned at pinterest:

Apple Nachos from Manifest vegan  um, yes please!  they look easy, too.  I like easy, I'm lazy.

Baby Breakfast Quiches 

Breakfast cookies, no wheat, no eggs, no sugar from Blueberry Girl

not particularly healthy, but I am intrigued... Frozen coconut limeade from Chef in Training


We have not yet managed to get together with my sister's family and my mom & stepdad for a holiday gathering.  Looks like we will make it this weekend.  I was on the phone discussing with sister, when she admitted she hadn't done any shopping for my family. I admitted the same- I've had lots of company and then I've been sick.  Sky has been bugging me to see if we can quit exchanging gifts for Christmas, we have a new budget that budgets everything down to the last $20 and it's a bit of a stretch in December.  Plus, we don't actually celebrate Christmas in our home- the celebrating is done for our family's benefit.  so, we are always a bit conflicted with this.

Soo, I was afraid to broach this with sister, because I think her love language is gifts.  She picks out awesome/individualized gifts for everyone.  Not usually expensive, but always very, very thoughtful and just what the person would love.  I was afraid not exchanging gifts would be a total downer to her, but I took her confession, ran with it and suggested we skip gifts this year.  And... And, she was totally relieved.  She's got 3 little ones now, I'm sure her December budget as well as her time- are stretched thin right now.  We decided that all our kids would be pretty ecstatic with a small gift bag with candy that is what we are going to do!  Whew.

We do give our kids 3 gifts each around New Year's.  However, the Bible conference moves around a bit and we still had guests, so we will be doing our family New Year's celebration this weekend, my kids are really looking forward to this.

So, how were your holidays?  Good, and full of family and love, I hope.