7 Quick Things {lost} edition



My mother passed away on Monday, her funeral was Friday morning.  My thoughts and feelings are such a jumble...they change each day.  {Lost} describes me.  Despite the problems my mother and I had, and despite the hard feelings I had for her- I always thought we had time to repair our relationship. She was only 60 years old.  Even when she got so sick and was in the hospital, I thought I had time to tell her how much I loved her, and the things I admired about her...  I was planning to tell her those things as a pep-talk to inspire her to stay sober.  Instead, I told those things to the people at her funeral- desperate for them to see her beyond her last few years. Time can be a cruel thing.



I put together a slide-show for the memorial, it came out really nice.  My sister and I requested the song "Day O" from the movie Beetlejuice to be played as everyone walked out of the service. For some reason, my mom loved that song, she got such a kick out of it.  We also brought Hawaiian leis for her pall-bearers to wear as they carried her out- she would have liked the touch.


My mom loved birds, and had many, many parrots over the years.  We all sat around the table one night and agreed that we were glad that she had given Beau away (a double yellow headed mexican amazon parrot she had since I was 9 years old) She had always threatened to leave her with us as an inheritance (they can live to be 75 years old!)  We were all part of the "I've been bitten in the face by Beau club" and were really glad she had given her away a few years ago.  We had a good laugh over that bird.


My house is just now, after 3 weeks, slowly being put back in order.  We had our week-long Bible conference and guests from Korea.  They asked to stay an extra week, and then we had a teenage friend stay the week after until highschool Bible camp started.  They call it the "School of Truth" -kind of a cool name :)  and then, in the middle of Bible conference my mom was hospitalized and it has all been chaos for me.  We had to send Demi to camp without a sleeping bag- we couldn't find it- we sent him with a pillow and comforter.  2 days later Sky found his sleeping bag under a pile of dirty laundry.  Yeah, it's been that kind of time here.


I tried to keep up with my p90x exercising during Bible conference, but I had to stop after that with my mom sick.  I was doing so much driving that my diet fell apart, too.  Chick-fil-A happens to be right next to where I jump onto the 91 freeway, and it became a comfort food for me, unfortunately.  It is not very close to my house, so it is a big treat.  I also have to admit to the navajo sandwich from cheesecake factory as a comfort food.  The week my mother died, Sky took me there 3 times. Love that man <3



I'm out of thoughts, but I thought I'd share this sunflower from my front yard. I edited it with a watercolor filter on photoshop elements. I love sunflowers, every year Sky plants several different kinds in our front and back yards.  Love that man <3

I'll leave you with this song- a reminder to say what you need to say, even if it's a hard thing, while you can...

*7 Quick things is hosted every Friday at Conversion Diary. click over to join up.